Established in 1984, Terraquest Ltd. is a privately owned and Canadian registered airborne survey company that has served the domestic and international natural resources community since 1984.

Terraquest has conducted over 1,000 fixed wing and helicopter airborne geophysical surveys, including airborne magnetic surveys, airborne radiometric surveys, airborne gravity surveys, and airborne electromagnetic surveys in the exploration for base and precious metals, kimberlites, hydrocarbons, uranium, and groundwater. The company has flown in 30 countries on five continents so far.
The company currently operates five systems (three fixed wing platforms and two helicopter configurations) that are specifically equipped to meet a variety of airborne geophysical survey requirements. Terraquest provides complete airborne geophysical survey services -- from survey planning to data acquisition and data processing and final map preparation.
The company and its highly experienced staff have performed exemplary surveys for both small and large exploration groups as well as many government agencies. The company employs 18 professionals, including geophysicists, geologists, data processors, aircraft engineers and pilots.
Companies such as: DeBeers, Shell, Ashton, Chevron, Teck, Gold Fields and Rio Tinto as well as Intermediate and Junior companies have chosen and trusted Terraquest to be part of their exploration team.
The company is managed by a professional team of four individuals with over 120 years of combined experience in airborne geophysical surveys. They include:
Howard Barrie
Howard Barrie has more than three decades of management experience in the aviation industry and in delivering airborne geophysical services and serves as the President and a partner.
Charles Q. Barrie
Vice President & Director of Operations
Managing partner, Charles Q. Barrie, serves as the VP of Operations as well as being a professional geologist. He is the chief technologist for the company.
Steve Barrie
Sales and Operations
Steve Barrie is an essential part of the team, ensuring that clients are well served with exactly the airborne geophysical survey they require and that results are positive at all points through the survey.
John Currie
Latin America Sales and Operations
John is a professional geophysicist and sales executive with many years of experience in delivering and managing airborne geophysical surveys in Mexico as well as Central and South America.
To provide exploration and other clients with better data for better results via a combination of technology, superior airborne geophysical surveys, and proven experience in assisting clients with their geoscience challenges.
Service Standard of Excellence
Terraquest seeks in all of its activities to provide clients with simply … Better Data, Better Results.
Companies such as: DeBeers, Shell, Ashton, Chevron, Teck, Gold Fields and Rio Tinto as well as Intermediate and Junior companies have chosen and trusted Terraquest to be part of their exploration team. The company has also flown airborne geophysical surveys for a number of mid-tier and junior exploration companies. In terms of target types, Terraquest delivers airborne geophysical surveys for a variety of targets, including precious and base metals, hydrocarbon, water exploration, kimberlites, as well as scientific missions, and more.

Ethical Practices: Anti-Corruption & Anti-Bribery
Terraquest Ltd. is committed to conducting its business in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and the highest ethical standards.
The purpose of this Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy is to reiterate Terraquest’s commitment to full compliance by the Company, and its officers, directors, employees and agents with Canada’s Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (“CFPOA”), the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”), and any local anti-bribery or anti-corruption laws that may be applicable. This Policy provides guidelines for compliance with the CFPOA, FCPA, and Company policies applicable to Terraquest’s operations world-wide.
For the purposes of this Policy, a “contractor” or “supplier” is defined as a third-party entity or individual who provides, and receives payment for, services or goods related to any aspect of a Terraquest operation, and includes consultants and subcontractors. A “non-supplier vendor” is defined as a third-party individual, company, organization, and/or Government or Government- related entity that will receive payment from Terraquest but will not provide goods or services in return.
This Policy is applicable to every employee of Terraquest, including senior executive and financial officers, and to members of Terraquest’s Board of Directors. The reporting requirement of this Policy is also applicable to Terraquest’s contractors and suppliers. This Policy is intended to supplement all applicable laws, rules, and other corporate policies. It is not intended to supplant any local laws.
Definition of Corruption
Corruption is the misuse of public power for private profit, or the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. Bribery is the offer, promise, or payment of cash, gifts, or even excessive entertainment, or an inducement of any kind offered or given to a person in a position of trust to influence that person’s views or conduct or to obtain an improper advantage. Bribery and corruption can take many forms, including the provision or acceptance of:
- Cash payments.
- Phony jobs or “consulting” relationships.
- Kickbacks.
- Political or charitable contributions.
- Social benefits; or
- Gifts, travel, hospitality, and reimbursement of expenses.
Ethical Practice At Work at Terraquest
Terraquest personnel and agents are strictly prohibited from offering, paying, promising, or authorizing any payment or other thing of value to any person directly or indirectly through or to a third party for the purpose of (i.e., in exchange for) causing the person to act or fail to act in violation of a legal duty; or for causing the person to abuse or misuse their position; or for securing an improper advantage, contract or concession; for Terraquest or any other party any such payment or activity, is deemed an “Improper Payment Activity”.
To promote compliance with anti-corruption laws in Canada, the United States, and other applicable jurisdictions, no Terraquest personnel shall undertake any Improper Payment Activity in respect of a foreign official, a domestic official, or a person doing business in the private sector.
In addition, Terraquest’s books and records must correctly record both the amount and a written description of any transaction. Terraquest personnel must ensure that there is a reasonable relationship between the substance of a transaction and how it is described in the Company’s books and records.
It is contemplated that Terraquest will institute detailed procedures and standards related to training, due diligence, the recording of transactions, and other areas, to implement the terms of this Policy. In particular, Terraquest will institute standards and procedures for:
- Sponsoring travel of government or government officials.
- Direct and in-kind support for government or government officials.
- Security support for public law enforcement.
- Per diems for government officials.
- Agreements with government-affiliated third parties, including those who may interact with the government on Terraquest’s behalf or benefit.
- Meals, gifts, and entertainment for government officials.
- Charitable and cultural donations to government or government officials, or to those parties affiliated with them; and
- Political contributions.
Audits of Terraquest operating units, and contractors may be conducted periodically to ensure that the requirements of this Policy and applicable procedures and guidelines are being met.
Applicable to All Related Parties
There is no permitted deviation or waiver from this Policy. All employees and contractors of Terraquest will read this Policy and execute the attached Certification.
Terraquest invokes strict discipline for violations of this ethics policy which may lead to termination of employment.
Related Documents
For reference:
The CFPOA can be found at: http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-45.2/index.html
The FCPA can be found at: http://www.justice.gov/criminal/fraud/fcpa/